Intelligente, integrierte Automation für die Strahlentherapie

Die Entwickler der Softwaretools von RADformation sind allesamt Medizinphysiker, welche die heutigen Herausforderungen bei der Erstellung und Kontrolle von Bestrahlungsplänen genauestens kennen. Sie haben all Ihr Knowhow einfließen lassen, um als Plug-in in das Planungssystem integrierte Module auf den Markt zu bringen, welche schnell und zuverlässig Resultate liefern als auch wertvolle Zeit sparen.

Urology AMD SureFire for BK Medical Biplanare Sonden

NEW: Transperineal biopsy guidance

AMD SureFire for BK Medical biplanar probes

Why transperineals? Why SureFire?

Improved access to anterior and apical targets
Influence on Gleason Grade Group (GG) upgrade
Optimises the dispensing of antibiotics
Suitable for the fusion of various modalities
Urology AMD SureFire for BK Medical Biplanare Sonden
Vertical access up to 4 cm from the probe with 9 puncture channels
Urology AMD SureFire for BK Medical Biplanare Sonden
Free customisation of the sector levels
Urology AMD SureFire for BK Medical Biplanare Sonden
Calibrated to the puncture lines for BK puncture attachment UA1232

1. apply the gel to the probe tip and pull the protective cover over the probe.

SureFire Setup 02

2. Install the guide by aligning the fixing point with the guide.

SureFire Setup 03

3. secure the guide by inserting the locking arm into the locker slot.

SureFire Setup 04

4. Apply gel to the tip of the lid and insert the probe.

SureFire Setup 05

5. The blue release/locking button sets the throat plate horizontally.

SureFire Setup 06

6. turn the probe to the desired area. Insert the instrument through a channel that corresponds to the target.


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